Yoga Nidra and Labor Workshops in November 2nd, December 7th & January 11th

Hey Kula,

It’s that time of year when the  holidays are quickly approaching us and our lives are becoming invariable busier. Although the holidays are jovial time, people connecting with friends, colleagues, business associates and loved ones, it’s a juggling act and can be stressful. The holidays are fun, intense, emotional and clustered together within a six-twelve week period. Our fully booked schedules, are now more fully booked. It has been said, most notably by Mr. Iyengar “almost every dis-ease has a stress component that contributes to the deterioration of our bodily systems.”  So we’re offering you a special Yoga Nidra Workshop to help you prepare for crazy times and see you through the New Year.

We’ll start our Yoga Nidra practice with gentle asanas to help trigger the relaxation response: a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress. The postures, breath, and relaxation techniques are very useful skills you will learn to gain control over your body’s stress levels. By doing less physically demanding poses or totally passive poses, you conserve and build up your energy reserves. This practice is closer to more advanced aspects of yoga: svadhyaya and pratyahara. We will include a few cycles of pranayama to further the relaxation response. To be physically relaxed and mentally alert is the art of Yoga Nidra. A quiet mind and calm body is the segway for all spiritual inquiry and meditation.

Additionally, Yoga Nidra has broad health benefits like the reduction of physical and emotional pain, the restoration of full sleep cycles, increased energy and decreased fatigue. It clears the mind and increases creative thinking, and you emerge from the workshop very calm and spacious. We invite you to join us to quiet your mind and calm the body with our Yoga Nidra Workshop. We will help you to help yourself  into the New Year.

Please join us for a sumptuous Pranavah Yoga Nidra on any of the following dates: Saturday Nov 2nd at 4pm, December 7th at 3pm or January 11th at 3pm: or on all 3 dates. Our Pranavah Yoga Nidra trains your mind for meditation. You yourself can be the judge and see if you experience the benefits that are stated here, and widely attributed to Yoga Nidra.

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