Free-Donation Beginner Yoga Class Wednesdays 12:30pmPST-3:30pmEST




Hey all. I would love to offer you all a Beginner Classical Yoga Donation based class on Wednesdays at 12:30pmPST-3:30pmEST through June 2020. I will continue to offer affordable yoga and Pilates classes because so many people have been affected by COVID19 in many ways.

Our Offering~Description of Donation Based Classical-Yoga:

We follow the 8 steps of Patanjali as we breathe and move through our Classical Yoga practice. The underlying element of all of our classes at Pranavah Yoga is Ahimsa: Loving and Compassison to oneself and others. This foundation is felt in oneself and the virtual atmosphere, and permeates all of our classes.

From there we begin to train mind and body through breath work, movement and meditation. Physically this is an open level beginner class. Spiritually this is an advanced level class. ~One doesn’t need advanced postures to have advanced experiences of consciousness and meditation: to awaken Shakit-Kundalini.

Liberation and Samadhi doesn’t mean doing the splits or sitting in lotus pose. While it may be fun to do the splits and or sit in lotus pose, they are both tools for training the Mind and Body. If one reads The Yoga Sutras, the classical text of yoga all classes and systems adhere to, it’s 99% a mental, emotional and spiritual experience. Having said that, all of our yoga classes build strength and flexibility, but our focus is wider and more ambitious than that.

Our class is designed perfectly for beginner and or beginner-intermediate. And we recommend yoga blocks, and cushions from the sofa or bedroom because they help with tight hamstrings and tight hips.

By clicking on the link below and joining the class, you agree that you are physically healthy, understand the inherent risks of physical movement of yoga, and assume all responsibility for any injury that may result from your participation in the our virtual class.

Join Virtual Donation Yoga Class Wednesdays 12:30pmPST-3:30pmEST

Meeting ID: 825 2554 9969
Password: 941172

Donations can be made through Venmo: @Carolyn_McPherson_21. 

If you have chronic injury and are a beginner, we can schedule a private session, to find solutions and modifications that will help you join the donation based class safely. Please reach out on our contact page.

Thank you and Namaste,


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